Monday, December 31, 2007

Well folks, all of us everywhere have come to the end of another year. Certainly, there were good times and some bad times but we have made it through another year. That is something to celebrate as life can throw some cruel punches. I used to wonder what the cliche "roll with the punches" meant until I grew into adulthood and met life head on. I have found that the experiences we have in our lives can make us better people.

Hurricane Katrina was devastating to the Coast but so much that is good came from the disaster. People from every state came as volunteers, donated money and have offered many prayers for our recovery. Although there is still lots to do... we are recovering.

So now I want to wish all of you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR .. it will be 2008 .. can you believe it?

See you next year!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Bowie Meets Crosby

It looks like Christmas on the Gulf Coast will not be as cold as we would like but last night cooler air was brought in with high winds and a deluge of rainfall. Our high Christmas day will be 50 degrees, which could have easily been 80 degrees, so 50 degrees is great.

Anita, Dave and their children came for a visit last evening and once again I learned something new. Some of you may have been like me when you were raising your children and the Christmas tree was not to be touched, right? Well, when you become a grandparent all that get to do it RIGHT this time. The little girls were delighted with the ornaments and they went home with two bells each off the tree. The boys are getting older and I like to tease that I did not get them anything so when they found their name on a present or two, they were delighted.

We need to remember that the wonder of Christmas is for the little children. That's the reason why, over the years, when we beautifully decorated our own homes, we regressed back to Christmases when WE were little children.

Until later ... getting ready to watch the New Orleans Saints play the Philadelphia Eagles!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

When the Christmas Season comes around I sort of transport to wonderland. I am sure that most of us look back to our Christmases when we were a child and can vividly recall the excitement of it all. Writing letters to Santa is nothing new, we all did. I actually was pretty conservative in what I asked for as I didn't take the chance that I might make him angry. Somehow it always worked for me... I got something I didn't put on the list but really, really wanted. I wonder how that happened?

I have taken time away from the Katrina writing at least until Christmas has passed. This isn't the season for all the "heavy" stuff. I will get back to it soon enough.

My daughter and I have always done crafts or baked cookies for as long as I can remember. Today we decided to make some ornaments. On my very first snowman, holding a hot glue gun, I burned my middle finger. We took time out to put olive oil on my finger, covered it with a band-aid and started over. I also messed up a reindeer so I made him look more like a Teddy Bear. It was very pleasant and perfect as there were five children in the house, and a baby boy less than one month old. George was helping us and having lots of fun too. He was solemn in the picture as he knew that I would probably put him on my blog.

See you soon, enjoy the holidays!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The New Orleans Saints defeated the Arizona Cardinals 31 - 24.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Hoping For Snow, Got Fire

Let's say that my Christmas shopping is underway despite the actions of my loony neighbor. My fence was damaged by Katrina in 2005 but still standing at a tilt. After the recent explosion when he started a fire with gasoline, my fence was burned. I was instrumental in helping my daughter and son-in-law while their 2 yr. old was hospitalized and I had waited for the black smoke to dissipate before I left the house. At that time the fence didn't appear to be burned but late last evening between 11PM and Midnight I heard what sounded like a hose being used and I thought Good Lord! .. he must be washing his car at such an ungodly hour. On arising I found that the fence had been on fire last night as I was trying to fall asleep. There is some kind of commotion most every night. I am documenting and adding another few pictures. Katrina was bad but personally I think this man is wilder!

On other side of fence - His yard

Friday, December 14, 2007

This is just a short post to say I am still around. Have had a few very hectic days lately. You can catch up on what has been happening if you read my daughter's latest post and remember while you are reading it that I was involved in most of the happenings in a big way. Anita
On the same day as Anita is describing a kitchen disaster and she was relating it to me later, there was a loud explosion very close to the back of my house. The same neighbor that had an unsightly "rig" up between our property for a month had thrown gasoline on the fire he started. I understand you can have small burns in this neighborhood if contained in a drum. Gasoline makes it a big fire, very risky thing to have done with dry leaves on the trees and ground.

We still have plans to finish our Christmas shopping!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Greetings on this foggy morning! Although the weather doesn't create the perfect scene indicating Christmas is fast approaching, I have high hopes that it will turn cold once again. There are many happenings in our area that I could write about but I have completely lost all desire to do so. We all have to "get on" with our lives before more time is lost.

Last evening, I watched the New Orleans Saints defeat the Atlanta Falcons 34-14. It was an exciting game. The Saints are characters... they started the game with the "same" play that cost them their last game when Reggie Bush "goofed".

Gotta go, Christmas shopping is calling!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

If you click on Menu on the You Tube Music Videos I have on my site you will be able to listen to different songs sung by the same entertainer or others..

Elvis Presley - On A Snowy Christmas Night

The weather on the Coast has been ideal for days now, cold nights and mild days. Maybe we experienced the same kind of weather in the past 2 1/2 years and I am just now noticing how pretty things are becoming. It's slow. of course. but improvement is noted. Now I am beginning to wonder if we can keep what we have. The cost of living will eventually undermine how we live. Locally, the Cable TV has raised their fees, the Power Company is raising their fees, house and car insurance has been raised, this year the County and City raised taxes above my homestead exemption. Lastly, the cost of food has skyrocketed. What about household cleaners? Anybody notice how much detergent costs? I liken it all to the game of Monopoly where bankruptcy looms. I have said many times that I am a dreamer and a dreamer can always find a way to exist if not lavishly .. contently. So during this month of December I will focus on the Christmas season instead of what I can see coming our way. A few pictures of Washington Avenue are below. There are still many vacant lots but I think as time passes more will rebuild.

Washington Avenue

Corner Westwood-Washington

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The New Orleans Saints were defeated by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 23-27. It was the most disappointing game I have watched. Let's just say, things happened that shouldn't have!

Feliz Navidad

Friday, November 30, 2007

Time to get ready for the holidays. No matter how 2007 may have treated me, when it's Christmastime, all memories of the struggles in the past year are forgotten. Who doesn't love Christmas?

I kept four grandchildren for 2 1/2 days while their Mom was in the hospital. All in all it turned out well .. I survived. Anita The rest of my week was spent raking and bagging leaves. At my last doctor's appointment I was told again to get more exercise. Well what he said was to go to a gym and workout. Since I couldn't see me in the "garb" they wear with a sweatband around my head, I decided to go back to yard work. I had a yardman for months while I was trying to regain my prior energy after contracting a thyroid problem. Happy to say my energy is back. I went out yesterday to start my riding mower to cut the leaves up and blow them in a pile that would be fast and easy to rake. It wouldn't start.. battery was dead. One thing I have learned since I lost my husband is just ask everybody and eventually someone will help. My neighbor charged the battery for me and all was well again.

I rode around Pascagoula today and things are looking much better. I have these flashbacks where I see the debris that was scattered everywhere. All that is gone and we are working on making a nice community again. We are hindered though as I suppose everyone is around the country. The cost of food, gasoline and insurance is staggering. I received my home insurance bill today and they went up $1149.00 more on the year. Same with auto insurance. Was paying $383 every 6 months .. now it is $650 every six months. Something has to give!

Think of my frustration as I watch the New Orleans Saints once again play the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. They lost the last game against them but maybe a miracle will happen and they will win this one.

Post Office

M&M Bank


Note Katrina Cottage

Monday, November 26, 2007

The New Orleans Saints defeated the Carolina Panthers 31-6

WLOX-TV - The News for South Mississippi: Sen. Lott Has "No Anger" As He Announces His Retirement

WLOX-TV - The News for South Mississippi: Sen. Lott Has "No Anger" As He Announces His Retirement: "Trent Lott said he felt no anger and no malice. But after a 35 year political career filled with tremendous highs and some unfortunate lows, he realized it was time to call it quits. So Monday, the Mississippi senator came home to Pascagoula and told his friends he was retiring."

Friday, November 23, 2007

Dave and Anita's baby boy was born today at 4:49PM, birth weight 7lb. 11oz. I have posted pics of my grandson for Anita's friends to see.

Peter Joseph Thomer

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


When Katrina struck the coast of Mississippi in 2005, time seemed to have stopped for all of us on the coast. I can only speak for myself and tell you that although there are problems, I have found a way to live with them. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have many things to be thankful for. I also know that in my blog that I could play a game with my readers and pretend to be something I am not. BUT I don't! In my life, I have been a wife, a mother, a business woman. Someday, these things will be a legacy for my daughters when they speak of me. Of all that I have accomplished, I am most proud of the fact that I am the grandmother of 9 grandsons and 4 granddaughters. The ninth grandson is scheduled to be born the day after Thanksgiving. The titles that they have given me are Nana, Grand-Mommy, Grandma and Grammy. I am honored.

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Okay now, the New Orleans Saints are throwing my equilibrium out of "whack", they were defeated in Houston by the TEXANS 23 to 10.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Harvest Time

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

X Marks the Spot: Contrails Offer Interesting Sight Sunday on Coast

X Marks the Spot: Contrails Offer Interesting Sight Sunday on Coast: "While most of the Coast had just sat down to watch another grueling episode of Saints football, outside the sky above was putting on a show of its own."

Monday, November 12, 2007

Government by Subterfuge: How the Dept. of Energy Used Katrina to Hide Plan for Salt Dome Oil Reserve

Government by Subterfuge: How the Dept. of Energy Used Katrina to Hide Plan for Salt Dome Oil Reserve: "The U.S. Department of Energy has been quietly planning to extend the nation’s Strategic Oil Reserve by establishing a new repository made from a salt dome, a natural formation, located in Richton, Mississippi. Richton is in Perry County just east of Hattiesburg."
Another landmark coming down in Pascagoula. This once was the Knights of Columbus Lodge.
Making Way For The New

Sunday, November 11, 2007

St. Louis Rams defeated the New Orleans Saints 37 to 29

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Just Because : Miss. Guard soldier thankful despite 19 surgeries for Iraq war injury : Miss. Guard soldier thankful despite 19 surgeries for Iraq war injury: "JACKSON, Miss. -- Norris Galatas has suffered through 19 surgeries in less than three years since he was wounded by an explosion in Iraq. But his time is not spent on regret - he says he'd do it again for nothing more than the thanks a soldier deserves."

Friday, November 9, 2007

WLOX-TV - The News for South Mississippi: Oil Reserve Project Prompts Serious Environmental Concerns

WLOX-TV - The News for South Mississippi: Oil Reserve Project Prompts Serious Environmental Concerns: "South Mississippi is poised to become a major part of the country's Strategic Oil Reserve. That's the emergency oil supply that the United States turns to when oil flow is interrupted or there's some other emergency."
Pascagoula Post Office

Vacant Lots On Beach

Two New Homes

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Well here I am again. I stay away longer as there hasn't been much to talk about ... don't want to bore you. Time is passing and each day we are farther from the 2005 hurricane but that doesn't mean we are back to normal, far from it. We find ways to go on with an ordinary life after such an extraordinary disaster. I bet you can do that too, all of us can. There is that resiliency in people to survive. Sure life can change in a "blink of an eye" but we can go on. Take me for instance, I retired and came back to my hometown with all kinds of plans that never had the chance to happen but I have found ways to happily go on. You may have noticed that I post comments about the New Orleans Saints games and recently posted one about the unbelievable TD pass that Brett Favre threw for the Green Bay Packers. Although the Saints have players from many different states like Reggie Bush, it's the closest team to the area I live in. Brett Favre is from Kiln, Mississippi. Now here's the amazing thing..... I have never watched a football game in my entire life. My point is??? We can change if we have to.

I am still having a little trouble with the thyroid disease that is unfortunate to have but, all in all, I feel great. Dave, my son-in-law planted the "popcorn tree" for me in my side yard but it died. So now I have red maples planted there. In about 50 yrs., I should see them casting a cool shadow or two. Hope I am still around.

There aren't many pictures to take anymore to show you. I heard that Pascagoula's post office has a few walls up so I will soon get a pic for you. The weather down South has turned cold, will be in upper 30's tonight. Beats the heat!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


The New Orleans Saints defeated the Jacksonville Jaguars 41 to 24.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

WLOX-TV - The News for South Mississippi: Gulf Coast Marks Milestone In Katrina Recovery With Bridge's Opening

WLOX-TV - The News for South Mississippi: Gulf Coast Marks Milestone In Katrina Recovery With Bridge's Opening: "'Water under the bridge,' Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway said of his disagreement with his Ocean Springs counterpart, Connie Moran."
Has anybody ever been "wiped out" by just handing out treats on Halloween? My youngest daughter is very near to having a new baby so I was standing in for her. I speak of one daughter out of the four I have more often because we live in the same town, so naturally we do many things together. The area she lives in gets a huge portion of little children coming for candy treats and it takes quite a bit of energy to make sure that none are left out. Dave took his two little daughters trick or treating, George and William went through the neighborhood. as the big guys they think they are, on their own. They returned with overflowing bags of candy and announced that they were going to change their clothes and go to a party, of course they didn't!

Several people found it necessary to attach pamphlets to the candy bags on the history of Halloween. The Catholic Church was mentioned in a nice way except one was just a tad inflammatory. I have mentioned that I am a Catholic and have heard many awful things in my lifetime but catholicity has made me who I am and I shall remain steadfast. Even Christ was a stumbling block, He was called many things and because of disbelief in the "hard sayings", He was crucified. On Halloween, many people flock to the big house on the corner because they know, without a doubt, that they will never encounter prejudice.
Okay my grandkids are waiting for me to put up their pictures and so here goes.

Strawberry Fairy

Super Girl

Delta Force Soldier

Count Dracula

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(click owl)
