Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The weather on the Coast has been ideal for days now, cold nights and mild days. Maybe we experienced the same kind of weather in the past 2 1/2 years and I am just now noticing how pretty things are becoming. It's slow. of course. but improvement is noted. Now I am beginning to wonder if we can keep what we have. The cost of living will eventually undermine how we live. Locally, the Cable TV has raised their fees, the Power Company is raising their fees, house and car insurance has been raised, this year the County and City raised taxes above my homestead exemption. Lastly, the cost of food has skyrocketed. What about household cleaners? Anybody notice how much detergent costs? I liken it all to the game of Monopoly where bankruptcy looms. I have said many times that I am a dreamer and a dreamer can always find a way to exist if not lavishly .. contently. So during this month of December I will focus on the Christmas season instead of what I can see coming our way. A few pictures of Washington Avenue are below. There are still many vacant lots but I think as time passes more will rebuild.

Washington Avenue

Corner Westwood-Washington

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