Sunday, September 23, 2007

It's 6:30PM and I hope the weather has settled down. Dave, my son-in-law, called this morning asking if he could come pick me up as I live in a low lying area. When he arrived I told him I was taking my car too and would follow behind him .I would wager a bet that most everyone who lives in this area have become reluctant to leave their transportation behind. It was flash flooding when we left my house and we soon found ourselves driving through some pretty deep water. A few days ago Dave bought a nice Jeep Wrangler and as I drove behind him I was thinking, "I bet he is having fun". I was too! It sounds nuts but our lives have been so unsettled in the past two years that we have learned to enjoy what is presented us. We made it safely to their house where we went through a couple more heavy downpours. I mentioned to my daughter that we have been RUNNING for a little over two years now... she agreed. So this song is for all of us down here. There is always victory at the end.

Oh! I am not smoking the cigarette, the pianist is..

Chariots of Fire

When there was a break in the weather, I decided to come back home. There has been one heavy downpour since I came home and more rain is expected tonight. I still have the backporch furniture inside and my bags are still packed .. so I am ready!

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