Saturday, June 14, 2008

Somebody pinch me please! What is happening to America? Most of this morning I have been speaking the name of our probable next president, you know, sort of testing with what ease it might roll off my tongue. ... President Barack Hussein Obama. It was strange and foreign coming after such presidents as Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton to name a few. I also was thinking of suspected terrorists, detained in Cuba, that have been given a constitutional right to be tried in our courts. One of them is thought to be the mastermind behind the 9/11 attack. Have we forgotten?

Foreign Terrorists Have Constitutional Rights

I was also thinking of the terrible tragedy in Iowa which scientists have basically said is no big deal, it's a 500 year flood. How do they know that with any certainty and why do they seem to minimize a tragedy when they say it has happened before
? How many people from the 1500's are here to lend credibility to their statement? Global Warming is not acceptable as being the cause of most of our "nature gone wild" tragedies.

Oh well, maybe I think too much!

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