Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day was a very good one. Dave, Anita and their children spent both Saturday and Sunday with me. My daughter Anita always gets me something unique because she puts thought into what she will do and what she knows I like. Before coming back to my hometown I lived in a rural area for years and all kinds of wildlife was around me. I particularly liked watching the antics of the squirrels especially when they jumped from tree to tree. We had squirrel feeders and when I moved home, I brought two with me. Just sentiment on my part because the wood was starting to rot. Last year I disposed of one but tucked the other away in the garage. I remember thinking how sentimental I am. It was of no use to me and really not pretty but still I kept it. I was presented with all kinds of presents and one was a new squirrel feeder. Click on pictures to enlarge them for best view.

I remembered I had one too and it was put on the fence.

This morning I was within 6 ft. of my subject. Looks like he posed for me.


Unknown said...

Heeheehee He really does look like a lawn ornament. So cute.

Happy Mothers Day :)

Ruth said...

Thanks Anita! You know without you commenting now and then I would have none. I became resigned to the fact that perhaps I am just plain boring and have really nothing of interest to say... so I thought okay this ole gal will start talking about different subjects to let the phantom visitors know I am not a dummy. I have talked extensively about the disaster of Katrina providing pictures of destruction and progress, I have talked about the death of my husband, I have shared personal moments in my life and I recently quoted Karl Marx. None of the listed brought feedback so I thought I will try talking about squirrels, perhaps somebody out there really likes squirrels. Nope ... nothing. So keep commenting Anita, it keeps me going. "smile"