Saturday, February 9, 2008

I don't mean to be presumptuous but surely a couple of you must have wondered what happened to me. Am I right? I sure hope so. For quite some time, you could visit my blog and "bingo" there I was. I took many pictures of destruction, construction and sometimes I had pictures of my grandkids... then I just stopped or so it seemed. Let me tell you a little about myself. I am one of those people that whatever I am doing will be done with gusto for a considerable amount of time and then, a time comes, when I will start searching for another endeavor that interests me. In my earlier years, I taught myself to sew and I made clothes for my children and myself. I sewed "habits" for two nuns at a Catholic school. I entered crocheted afghans in our local fairs and won blue ribbons. I have written poetry and I play the piano. I don't do any of the aforementioned anymore except the piano. Writing about Katrina was, by far, my most favorite. I will still put a picture on every now and then but I think that there is nothing more that I can say on the subject that hasn't already been said.

My daughter has been working on my bathroom whenever she has the time to spare. It's a small area (less than 4ft. from counter to bathtub). and today the counter was completed. I call the statue my Grecian Lady.

Any of you notice that when we clean something up that we aren't as comfortable as we were? I don't mind admitting that my hair has help staying dark and I color it myself, not caring at all if I messed up the old decor. So today was time to give nature a helping hand and I thought how am I to do this in a freshly painted pastel bathroom? When my daughter, Anita, saw the picture I sent her she said that it was so nice when she left my house and that now it looked like the back of a gypsy's wagon. What do you think? "smile"


Unknown said...

LOL That 'after' picture still makes me laugh. :)

Ruth said...

Eventually I will get used to it. I know I am going to have to keep the yellow and white paint around for touch ups. The pic looks bad but you should have seen it after I put the gook on my hair. lol