Friday, August 10, 2007

More Than Dawn Is Breaking

What dreadful days we are all having around the country. If this doesn't apply to you, then I sincerely beg your pardon. Maybe I have spoken too broadly including you in what I am experiencing as I try to get back to the "good life". I realize that there are people who claim to have never had a bad day in their lives. Then your life is charmed, mine isn't at this time. I lived the "good life" for many years but it wasn't anything like I see on television. It didn't exclude the responsibilities that I owed to a boss, a husband, children or God. My saying that I am trying to get back to the good life does not mean that I am trying to recapture the past. In the six years after my husband died in 1999, I was well on my way to begin a new phase in my life. What happened? Katrina! Two years in survival mode can take a toll, it changes the way one thinks and handles what was once normal situations. My mindset is that I have "paid my dues" so I should be exempt from further aggravations. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.

In late July, the emission light on my car's dashboard seemed to be taunting me as it set there aglow. I went to the dealer with it and a mechanic asked if it was a blinking light or a steady light. It was steady so he said bring it in next week as the switch probably flipped. Have any of you noticed that when a warranty runs out on your car that a light WILL come on? This was on a Tuesday. Thursday night I jumped out of bed to the sound of a shotgun blast. I checked the house, went back to bed and soon heard a soft rain falling. Good!! We needed the rain. The next morning, I went out on the porch to drink my coffee and gasped. The flowerbed running along the wall at the back of the house was underwater, a pipe had burst. The first question I asked the plumber was, "Can plumbing explode"? He said, "Yes Ma'm it can." Normalcy returned quickly, the emission switch was repaired as was the plumbing. What I learned from these two incidents is that a shotgun blast is plumbing exploding and a steady emission light meant that I can drive it without harming the converter. So why did I have it repaired? Because I was developing a fixation looking at the steady light to make sure it hadn't turned to "blinking".

Did anything break today? Yep! My new dryer overheated and the electric garage door doesn't open or close. I can hardly wait to see what happens tomorrow.
Our weather is hot, hot, hot! Not nice at all. We are melting!


Unknown said...

LOL I laugh cause there's nothing else I can do!

Ruth said...

LOL I understand. I forgot to mention the A/C compressor patch job. Hope it keeps running at least until this heat wave is over.