Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The New Generation Versus America

Usually, when I put a post up, I talk about everyday life which probably isn't of interest to anyone but me and the people who live that life. Today I want to talk about the "fracas" that is taking place in our country. I consider myself up-to-date on all of it as, by now, we all are. I have listened to all the incumbent speeches, the last was from Senator Joe Biden.

No, I am not going to talk all politics, I also want to speak about the hard times that are in our future. Not too many years ago, we could have handled this crisis but now there seems to be a great divide between us as fellow Americans. We are now labeled "right wing" or "left wing", there is no other choice or so it seems. What about those who, like my Mother often said, use their Common Sense? Has that gone by the wayside? Do we just follow whatever we find that appeals to the eye and only lean toward those we call "intellectual"? In my opinion, that is why we have no working class, they are all in college. Our children need to learn how to work and work hard like their ancestors before them did. A couple of my children had said over the years, I won't work for $5 dollars an hour... they believed from all the propaganda taught them in our schools, society and television entitled them to their unrealistic expectations. We, as they, are reaping the consequences of that behavior. How do I know? I have children as old as Palin and Obama.

Our unborn are not protected by a caring America anymore, they never had a chance to chase the American dream. Because of my age, that I disclosed above, although in good health, I feel that I am in danger too. What about the feminists that want equal rights for women etc. but have not stepped up to defend the vicious attacks against Sara Palin? Something is amiss.

Wake up America, so many of us are counting on you!

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